Why are friendships so hard to end?

When you enter into a contract with someone, one of the things that you agree on is the terms on which the contract ends. You don't walk up to the first day of your new job expecting that you work in perpetuity. You retain ownership of your right to leave on the terms agreed.

In romantic social relationships, we have a whole host of exit clauses that are passed on to us our whole lives, from friends, family, enemies, TV, movies, games, music, and a whole lot of reading material. Whether it's a situationship, marriage, a random date, a monogamous or polyamorous relationship, we have a guide as to what constitutes the end.

One area of our lives where this guidance is glaringly missing is friendship. No break up speeches, then trying to fix the relationship, debating whether or not to keep or delete the photos or deciding whether or not to block or unfollow them in other to move on.

There seems to be two acceptable modes to the end of friendship. The scorched earth mode where everyone can agree that the friendship cannot continue and they’ve done something HORRIFYING to you or a measured approach of slowly withdrawing friendship benefits until you have cannot in good conscience be referred to as anything other than an acquaintanceship.

What happens when you simply do not want to be friends anymore? The chemistry is gone and they've done nothing wrong. Your life paths are going in opposite directions and you can’t relate to them anymore. You’re incompatible. Where is the language, the approach, the advice?

I’ve experienced only two friendship break up conversations in my life and it was absolutely freeing to close out a friendship properly and end it on cool terms. What I have more commonly experienced (and more than likely participated in) is ghosting. I make a distinction between hard ghosting and soft ghosting.

Hard ghosting is the process of someone disappearing off the face of your earth. Maybe you’re blocked, or maybe your texts just stay on read forever. Basically, they exist and are fine but are unreachable to you. Soft ghosting is the withdrawal of emotional involvement in the relationship, while remaining in the relationship. So you go from sharing secrets, talking often, making plans, reciprocity of communication and interest, to one word answers, no questions and a lack of interest in your life. Soft ghosting seems to be the preferred route to end friendships. It avoids confrontation, honesty and leaves the door open for hypothetical reconciliations.

The lack of a form to end friendships is a symptom of a larger problem - friendships have no rules. It’s what makes it fun but it’s also what makes it fraught. It seems like friendship is where we dump all our fantasies for other relationships- the zero judgmental policy we can’t get from family or our spouses, the fact that we choose it, the way we can put in as little or as much effort as possible, and still expect it to last forever. We want everything and nothing from friendships, but we exist in a place where there’s no governorship of what the relationship looks like. As we move from institutions like school and graduate training programs, where at least some schedule of social interaction is built in, and move on to continental moves and parenting and new careers and life spaces that demand that every social situation be earned and worked for, we become lost and confused about how to proceed.

I tried to have a conversation with a friend once- I could feel her starting to detach from our relationship and because it was important to me, I tried to have a conversation and because friendship doesn’t rest on any proper form of obligations, she answered my “we’ve been speaking less” which I used clumsily to try and describe a distance I couldn't really articulate with “I don’t have to speak to you everyday”. She had already made a decision I wasn’t part of to distance from me and slowly spent the next few months rewriting the shape of our friendship. It’s been a while since that attempt at staving off a break-up happened and in a way we are still friends, but in all the ways that matter, we aren’t and therefore it joins other friendships in the purgatory where friendships we don’t end go. Those are the friendships that pad up wedding guest lists and occassionally make up the numbers for a bridal or baby shower or last minute trip to Mexico. They don’t know any important details of your life but provide colour to your social media and occasionally reply an enthusiastic “congratulations!!!” to an announcement of something your real friends have known for months. Maybe one day, one of you will need something from the other and you’ll ask or you’ll bump into them at an airport and describe them to your travel companion as a friend.

I can hear some people reading and thinking, “but what’s the harm?” The harm is, we have only so much time and so much energy and only so much room to build community. I think of this phrase often, “if so many are lonely, why are so many lonely alone?” and I think the answer lies somewhere in the friendship purgatories we get stuck in.

Do I have answers? no. I probably have more ghosting to experience and maybe some more soft ghosting to do- or maybe this will open a yearning in me to apply closure to things that should really have been closed. Maybe I will force myself in my own small way to try and develop the language for friendship maintenance and pay more attention to compatibility at the beginning rather than nearer the end.

Let's Catch Up

It’s been a few months since I’ve been on here. I started off the year doing too damn much and burnt myself out. I’m learning, as I always am, to strip everything away and learn to add things in bit by bit. I don’t always do it well- doing everything at once is infinitely more addictive than being sensible. In the months since I’ve been away, I’ve done a few things worth mentioning.

I designed and produced a planner…

Last year, I decided to try out product design by making a notebook. It went well, so for my next attempt, I decided to go big or go home and make a planner.

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I created it at a time when I needed structure in my life, so it was me making something that I wanted to exist. It was a painful and expensive process. I will share the gruesome details of that entire journey soon. In the end, I’m proud of myself and it’s available to purchase. It can ship internationally, but it is expensive. It does ship nationwide (in Nigeria). Start planning here.

I became a buzzfeed contributor


I am now writing book related content for buzzfeed. My first piece is here and it’s a quiz based on my favourite genre- romance. The gag is, romance as a book genre has these rules that people live and die by- aka it must have a happily ever after (HEA) or a happily for now (HFN). Basically, as well as the central story being about a love story, the love story has to end with the couple together. Do I think a story can’t be a romance if the couple doesn’t end up together at the end of the book? No. Do I think love should be limited to the couple being together forever? No. Do I understand the need for some happy respite from this stressful world? yes.

I started a Monday Musings series on Instagram

Inspired by one of my favourite actresses, Freema Agyeman, I decided to start a Monday Musings series on Instagram. A way to muse every week and it’s already been seven weeks. More than the posts themselves, I’ve learnt so much from doing these posts.

  1. Intentionality wins every time. I set a clear goal that was very easy for me and I’ve followed through seven times.

  2. Time passes quicker than you think- every week, I’m shocked that another week has passed but without that deliberate time marker, more time would probably pass before it occurred to me.

  3. Little goals always feel too little when you set them, but add up to a lot. If I had decided to start posting on Instagram once a week, I would have convinced myself that didn’t make sense and pushed myself to think “at least 5 times a week” but I noticed that more than once, when I came to post the Monday post, the last post on my feed was from the Monday before. So basically, before I started doing these Monday posts, I would go more than one week without posting, but setting such a small goal would have still scared me. It’s made me more willing to embrace small, very small, very tiny goals.

That’s all for the catch up, now that’s out of the way, we can have some chats!

Lessons I Learnt From Blogging Everyday for 31 Days aka 1 month.

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1.    It’s hard to put your work out there constantly - even on days where I didn’t struggle with the content, I struggled with sharing it- when you create only when inspiration strikes, it’s easy to share because you feel like that’s something worth sharing- but when you’re creating no matter how you feel, those feelings of self consciousness are quicker to rise - the hardest part of creating isn’t creating, it’s sharing.

2.    When you find inspiration, you can find it again- I became less afraid of stopping things - before I would be scared that if I didn’t write an exact sentence down the way it came to me, I would lose it forever but then I realised that the inspiration came from me and that well of inspiration would continue to exist past the moment.

3.    If you don’t plan in advance, the quality of your work will suffer. Somewhere in the last 10 days, I started to feel 50/50 about the quality of work I was putting out vs the first week where I felt like everything was of the highest quality.

 4.    Consistency kills procrastination – there’s a post I put up this past month that I wrote in TWO THOUSAND AND EIGHTEEN. Like I didn’t have to edit it because it was fully written, edited and sitting in my drafts for two years. This is so common with creative work- when you’re not consistent, it’s easy to live with an imaginary standard of work vs actually taking the risk to put out something that you’re not sure of.

 5.    A month is a long time and it’s also no time at all- somewhere in the recess of my mind, I thought I would gain a lot of traction just by showing up consistently…for a month. I didn’t admit this thought to myself, obviously. If you had asked me, I would have told you I had zero expectations, but of course there’s always that tiny flicker in your mind that you refuse to acknowledge. Let me tell you something, the gift of consistency is consistency itself. Did I gain traction? Not really. Was I disappointed? No. 

 6.    It boosted my confidence and value in myself- this is a catch 22- I was able to complete the challenge because of the work I had been doing to see my work as having value, but doing the work itself increased my self value. For the first time in a long time, I started taking art commissions again, I started writing in general again, I started designing again. Things I didn’t even realise I had been making excuses not to do because I couldn’t see the value. I am a lot more self confident now than I was at the start of last month.

 7.    It also boosted my ability to be vulnerable- something about putting my words out in the world everyday made me able to tap into that vulnerability in other areas of my life. In the past month, I’ve been able to have honest conversations where I’m able to put my thoughts and feelings out honestly without fear. It’s very freeing. 

 Wow, It’s crazy that I got so much out of this. I am so happy I did it and honestly, showing up for yourself without any tangible and immediate benefit is the most satisfying feeling in the world. If I could bottle it and sell it, I would. 

 What did you think about the challenge?

What does it mean to be consistent?

I’m in a very smug and content place in life where I’m being consistent in so many areas. Today, the thought came to me, what does it mean to be consistent? We say it all the time, we know it’s important, but what does it mean?

Consistency is an anchor. It’s a safe place you explore the world from. In people, it might be your parents or your partner or a close friend you’ve had forever. You know that they are there for you no matter what, so it gives you the confidence to meet new people. It can be a home that’s always there to return to, so you have the confidence to travel everywhere. 

Somehow, we change that idea and definition when it comes to habits. Then, consistency means “the same”. You MUST do the same workout program everyday. You must wake up at 6.45am everyday. You must write 372 words EVERYDAY. You must eat 1574 calories everyday. The moment you miss a day- it’s gone, destroyed, you’re no longer a consistent person.

How false and silly is that notion? I wrote earlier in the month about building an anchor and now I’m realising that’s also building consistency. In order to be consistent, you need to build safe spaces for yourself to return to. 

 In a way, this month, I’ve been dropping clues that all lead here. When you know your what and your why, when you find your anchor, when you realise that time is going to pass no matter what you do, suddenly you’re being consistent! 

Any achievement that comes from consistency comes from a culmulative effect. I can write 10,000 words a day. One day, I wrote 16 thousand words. To aim to make 10k words or even 5k or 2k my anchor is setting myself up to fail because anyone can do anything a few times but what I KNOW I can do everyday, no matter how I feel, is write 300 words. That’s my anchor. That’s how I’m a consistent writer. That makes me feel good and competent and like I’ve achieved something. On days when I write 2,000 and 5,000 and 1,000 words, it feels good to know that the next day, I can relax into 300 and my work is done. 

 You don’t have to figure it out on day 1 and you don’t need to hit personal bests every day. I realise this is a hard way to think because I have these conversations with people, and they see it as me giving myself an out or not pushing myself hard enough. Anchors sound easy because anchors are easy. They have to be! Consistent spaces/ people don’t become that because they are difficult, it’s because they make you feel safe. 

In the next few weeks, I’ll be zeroing in on areas of my life I’ve become consistent in and explain my own personal journey to consistency in those areas. 

What does consistency mean to you?



Show Up For Yourself

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When I was a runner, for many years in my past life, the one thing that stood out to me about it was how it made me show up for myself. For the first year of running, I woke up before 6am to catch a bus to meet up with two girls I barely knew (one of whom is famous now, sorry to everyone that hears me talk about this every two months) to run for 12 minutes. In my second year of running, I ran 3 miles a day everyday for the whole year- come rain or snow or whatever. Evntually, I ran for longer and longer, waking up even earlier depending on work. It didn’t matter if I had someone over or whatever else was going on in my life- those miles were a promise to show up for myself and I always did.

 There’s something about living in Nigeria that makes you stop showing up for yourself- I don’t know quite what it is. Maybe it’s the paradox of people infantilising you and then expecting everything from you at the same time or the limits that society constantly places on you with judgment that shouldn’t matter but feels overwhelming all the same. The way vulnerability is really not a part of the culture and so you end up feeling alone, or sometimes foolish- for showing up- even for yourself.

 Lately, I’ve gradually started showing up for myself. I’m not quite where I used to be, because quite frankly, I was a powerhouse- but it’s the 19th day of blogging everyday and I haven’t missed a day. I’ve finished writing a book and have started another one and I’m generally taking myself away more seriously. I still have some way to go to get to the place I would like to be, but just as it takes time to build trust with other people, it takes time to build trust with yourself. I am enjoying the slow process of building that trust with myself.

 It just occurred to me the other day how crazy it was that I was putting 100 percent of myself into everything that wasn’t mine- every job- paid and unpaid- every favour, but I wasn’t even giving myself the bare minimum. I could work for hours on research for someone else’s thing but I couldn’t sit for 1 hour and create something for myself. I think the conditioning is so deep that you have to see productivity as beyond something that brings any tangible reward. You have to see yourself as worth the effort.  

Take some time to think of whether or not you’re showing up for yourself and if you haven’t been, it’s never too late to start!



How I Learnt To Accept My Body

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I’m going to start by saying this- I don’t love my body and I don’t aim to- I accept it. Most days, I don’t think about it at all- it’s a body. This has been mentally freeing for me after so many years of obsessing over it and it is this mindset shift I’m discussing.

I stopped aiming for love

I think the standard of loving your body is too high- it’s almost unachievable and it seemed to me to be an unnecessary thing to strive for. Love is an emotion- it doesn’t serve a lot of practical purpose- you can love someone and not like them. You can love a person and merely accept things about them. As much as “love your body” is constantly sold as an achievable goal, it didn't feel all that achievable to me. The more I questioned what I wanted out of this whole mental journey, what I realised was - I just wanted it to not be a constant issue in my mind. I wanted to take pictures and meet up with people and live my life without constantly thinking of my body- There’s a term for this of course, it’s called “body neutrality” and that’s what I aimed for.

I examined my feelings

We come to dislike our bodies for many reasons, most of all the constant reinforcements of negative thoughts by everyone from family members to media and to random people on social media. Body standards for women have always been impossible, from when it was “as thin as possible” to when it became “perfectly proportionately curvy”- it’s important to step away from it all and examine how you really feel about your body and why.

I started consuming media that reinforced where I wanted to go to

From body positive instagrammers to doctors that constantly spoke up about body shaming, I followed a wide range of fashion bloggers at all sizes and started to realise that I didn’t care so much about it on other people, so it was silly to care so much about it when it came to myself.

I removed myself from spaces that served to shame

I believe in positive reinforcement over shaming and I had to remove myself from any space where there was any kind of shame regarding body size or shape.

I delved into health research

Health is the main tool used to wield hate against bodies and you can start to internalise that message - I know I definitely did, so I started to educate myself more on habits and health and guess what? Habits matter more than size.

I focused more on habits rather than numbers

I zeroed in on things I could improve on in my habits and focused my attention on that, rather than scale numbers- I ate more actual food- drank less sugar - started to aim to eat more protein, which is still a struggle. Focusing on habits made me feel good.

I think body acceptance is a process and you can get far along into the process and be set back by someone asking “weren’t you happier when you were slim?” or “omg you have put on so much weight, should I take a picture and show you”. Acceptance is a journey but it gets easier and it’s something you can take with you through all sorts of changes- whether you lose or gain weight, whether those changes are temporary or permanent, you can learn to accept yourself at each point of the journey!

Lockdown Journal:Episode 4


I am mentally exhausted. After two weeks of motivation and being my best self, I am visited again by “I just want to lie on the couch and eat cake with Netflix”. And I’m going to give in to that self. The best thing about not having a 9-5 is being able to give in to the highs and lows of your emotions and moods. The best thing about making a long term commitment like blogging everyday, is that you can give in to those impulses whilst having something grounding in the background. As long as I follow through with my commitments to self, I’m able to relax into the rest of my life guilt free.

Also, it’s Friday! As much as the days have started rolling into one during this lockdown, the weekend still feels very clear to me. Fridays are days for lying down and sinking into the day- Saturdays are my most creative and productive days (probably because of all the rest I get on Friday).

I cut my hair the other day and at first it looked awful, like really bad, but as the days have passed, it’s somehow starting to work? Or I’m getting used to it? Either way I like it. My skin is awful at the moment though, but somehow, I just can’t bring myself to care about that.

Isn’t it weird that on the surface, you can feel your emotions are completely fine but when you study your behaviour, you can see where things may not be so fine?

Everyday, I’m thinking “oooh I’m used to this”, but then I try to read or something and I’m like “I’m definitely not okay”. Today is the official month 2 mark of my lockdown- me and my husband started ours early. It’s weird, the novelty seems to have worn off for most people and we are here, sticking to being at home and I can’t help but wonder if I’m being extreme? Am I the one that’s crazy? Should I be making more of an effort to see my family? Are my own priorities wrong?

It felt nice when we are all "in this together”, but now we aren’t anymore and it’s back to deciding for yourself what your line is - also, all this talk of “new normal” is so tiring because chances are- things are probably just going to go back how they were and even if they don’t, we don’t know exactly how things are going to change.

Okay, the couch is calling and I need to go and answer!

Bye xxx

What Do I Want And Why?


What do I want and why do I want it is a question most of us have to confront at one or more times in our lives. It’s the question that if answered honestly, can help you unmask so many hidden fears that you have. Fear will continue to condition you to limit your desires until you are willing to be honest with them and face up to what you want.

Remember that want is a wish, a dream, a hope- so why be scared to explore it? Why be scared to admit it?

Your “want’ might be 1 million dollars- why not? Remember there’s a second part to this and both require the same level of honesty- what do you want can make you go wild – we can all want things if we ask ourselves long enough- but why? That’s the important part.

When I sat down with a pen and a notebook (okay truthfully, it was an apple pencil and an ipad but it still applies) and wrote down my wants and why, it uncovered so many things I had been unwilling to admit- it also made me able to set goals that actually matched my why. It forced me to see that I had been reaching for smaller goals because I had convinced myself I couldn’t achieve the larger goals. 

Have you ever looked at someone that seemed to have a singular drive to achieve one particular goal and thought “I wish I knew what goal I wanted to pursue, I have so many things in my mind”- I know I have- but guess what? There is a singular goal I want to pursue, It just seemed so unlikely that I refused to acknowledge it and therefore, refused to give it the attention that it needed.

How about an exercise for the day- You, your pen and some paper and two questions- what do I want? And why?

How much honesty is too much honesty from a friend?


If you watch Insecure, you know that the central plot of season 4 so far has been the gradual destruction of Issa and Molly’s friendship. One passive aggressive comment at a time, their friendship is getting shredded and we have 5 episodes to find out if it can be fixed.

As the arguments for each side fly back and forth on social media every week, I find myself asking the question- how much honesty is too much honesty in a friendship and is it always kind?

As people make their case for who is wrong (it’s Molly, I refuse to argue)- what is increasingly clear is that the standard of perfection to which friendship is held is an impossible standard. The occasional “harsh truth” tends to be accepted in romantic relationships but can’t seem to be the case for friendship. Is your friendship always positive, with long ways to get to the truth of the matter? basically, are we saints? and do we expect our friends to be saints?

I for one believe that some truths are harsh, not because of the way they are told, but because they are in themselves harsh truths. I don’t feel like there’s ever any reason to hurt your friend on purpose, but I believe that in developing conversational short cuts with your friend, some of those short cuts will hurt. Of course, if your friend hurts you, they should be willing to listen to your perspective, even though the hurt wasn’t their intention.

I don’t know where the line is honestly, I think every friendship needs to define it for itself. I do think if we start to relate to our friends the way we relate to our romantic partners, we might be more willing to forgive and be kinder in understanding where the other person is coming from. A “you can do better” from a friend can sound violent if you’re not ready to hear it, no matter how they say it, but if that’s your friend and they have the best intentions, even the hardest truths can be turned around.

Being the bigger person is a scam.

You’ve heard it before- don’t stoop down to their level- be the bigger person. What is implied is that being the bigger person somehow has more moral weight even though the smaller person has more real life wins. As usual, oppressed people are taught to hang on to some metaphysical rewards while the oppressors get to enjoy the rewards of oppression. Reject the notion that being the bigger person is in itself a reward, it is not.

We know that women are socialised to be “the bigger person” in all situations in life no matter how terrible, no matter what level of oppression. What we don’t talk about enough is how women that choose to act outside of that moral box are dealt with swiftly - first by shame which we are socialised to fear and when that doesn’t work by direct punishment. A woman that constantly pushes back will be punished. That's something I want you to hold in the back of your mind as you read further.

How then, do you stop being the bigger person, reap the rewards of being the smaller person and also avoid being punished. Simple- by also playing the game. The game changes in every situation, but there’s always a game, learn to find it.

Have you ever heard someone agree with you that they HATE office politics, but then they get promoted and you don’t? They get a bonus and you don’t? you KNOW their work has been terrible lately but somehow in a meeting, your boss gives them a “well done” shoutout. I hate to break it to you, you’ve been taken for a mug and you’ve lost the game by the default of not playing.

I think we waste our time as adults assuming that other adults “don’t know what they are doing”- most of the time, they do. If you find yourself picking up most of the work in a situation where someone else should be sharing it- it’s not by accident, they are leaving it to you. If you find yourself explaining why someone did something bad “again” and they “aren’t like that”- they are, there’s just no benefit to changing.

So I beg you, stop being the bigger person. If you choose to apologise in a situation, don’t do it “to be the bigger person”, do it because you have something to apologise for. If someone keeps leaving you with labour that should be shared, leave it for them too. If someone takes credit for your work, take it back.

Pushback will come with some consequences, but eventually, you will find a new normal that doesn’t rely on you being a doormat on earth to find some reward in heaven.

Lockdown Journal- Episode 3

How much honesty is too much honesty in friendship? I’ve been thinking a lot about this since the new season (Season 4) of Insecure started. I think we all recognise that best friends Molly and Issa are not being the kindest to each other at the moment, and sometimes the fictional words cut to real life so deeply- but is it possible for honesty to ALWAYS be kind? Sometimes hard truths are just that- hard. I think we’ve built up friendship to be this place where only the highest positivity is allowed. I think truth should be allowed. I think people should be as kind as they can be, but we should allow each other the grace for hard truths to sound…hard.

I think it’s finally dawning on me that this virus might be around for a long long time. There are things I mentally kept thinking I would get round to in a month or two- as this unlikely to be over in a month or two, I’m finding ways to adapt my thinking to just buckling down and assuming that this has many months left to go.

If you follow me on Instagram, you may have seen this post:

I’ve mentioned before how much I’ve been able to think and how much clarity I’ve gotten from this experience but this was probably the clearest of them all. I think I’ve always been the kind of person to live life as I want it to be rather than how it is. The problem with that is life is going to keep on treating you as is. Maintaining the fantasy of doing whatever I want with no consequence is just silly. I think as human beings, we ascribe the best intentions to ourselves even when reality doesn’t support it. We all think we are objective and non judgmental and good and that’s not the case the majority of the time. If you keep staying “out of the game” because of some sort of self righteousness, you’re always going to lose by default. It’s a balancing act of choosing to maintain what’s MOST important to you and following societal norms for the rest because life is short.

I’ve also realised lately, how much I’ve missed fashion- it used to be one of the biggest parts of my life and it kind of just disappeared. I cannot wait to sink back into that life, it’s so fun!

Okay, back to editing I go!

Lockdown Journal- Episode 2

I am over cooking. I’m over baking. I’m over food in general. What started out as the highlight of lockdown has now devolved into something tiring. I don’t want to cook, and I don’t want to eat. My husband started working from home on March 16 and since then we’ve been out three times for less than 30 minutes each time to buy groceries. I’ve been in the house coming up to 2 months and while I feel really grateful that I have the opportunity to stay home, two months of being in the house is…a lot. 

 I’ve baked – two banana loaves, 1 set of carrot cake muffins, 2 sets of banana loaf muffins, 1 set of regular muffins, 1 set of scones, 2 brownies, 1 chocolate cake, 1 ginger loaf, 2 sets of flatbread, one loaf of bread, 4 sets of cookies and that’s just baking. I haven’t even started on cooking. I gave up drinking alcohol after the second or third week with one or two exceptions because drinking at home just stopped being fun. After eating two boxes of snacks, I decided to give up snacking as well- largely because I’m just tired of FOOD!

 I’ve been trying to finish my book edits and I’m telling you; writing is the fun part. Reading back on what you’ve written, especially when it’s a whole book, is hard. Plus, my reading in general has fallen off, it’s hard to get my mind to focus on blocks of text at a time. I feel like my mind is constantly racing and I’m finding it hard to keep up, sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night to pee and I’m in the middle of some thought and I’m thinking, why am I thinking right now?

Final Cut Pro is free for three months (google Final Cut Pro free trial). Video editing has never seemed like my jam, but when something that’s usually expensive is free for a good length of time, it feels foolish to pass it up, so I’ve added learning how to edit with Final Cut Pro into my rolodex.

I didn’t think I could realise things further after spending a year in the deep realisation of things pre-lockdown, but lockdown is really surprising me and I am indeed, realising things. I have worked through things that I have been trying to work through for years, in weeks. What’s that about? It feels random and temporary because is it possible for things to just click in your brain in weeks when they haven’t clicked for years?

 I am definitely not bored, so that’s great. I am trying to maintain a routine and eat like an adult (more fruit, more veg, more protein). Some days are better than others. I am researching articles I have been meaning to write for years and showering every day. Somehow, I have been seeing that my work has more value than I have ever been willing to admit. I have grown past doing things half-heartedly. I either do them properly, or I don’t do them at all. When I choose not to do them, I’m kind to myself and I’m not trapped in guilt about it. Kindness to myself has allowed me to be kinder to others, and in being kinder to others, I’m able to self-reflect through their eyes. 

In areas where I have balked in the past at taking criticism, I am not more willing to understand where it comes from. I know exactly what my goal is for everything I’m doing. I know for me, this space is to build my community and I’m so excited about every comment, every DM, every @, every email. It means everything when people give feedback, and it tells me that I’m closer to the community of my dreams, one that isn’t just between me and you, but all of us together. 

Look at me on day 4 guy! Are you enjoying the daily blog posts? I know I am! What do you think? Can we go a bit longer on these posts?


A Case for Jealousy

Jealousy. It gets a bad rep. If I was Jealousy, I would hire a PR agency and overhaul my reputation, you know like when people started saying “I’m so jel”.

I’m using Jealousy to cover both Jealousy and envy. I think the popular distinction is that jealousy is fear of someone taking something that you have and envy is wanting what someone else has. Both are frequently used interchangeably so I don’t want to worry too much about semantics.

Raise your hands if you’ve ever said “I’m not a jealous person”. Like many other things in life, Jealousy has been reduced to the feeling you have about your romantic partner’s relationship with someone else. It is also used a lot in Nigerian films to set the tone for someone to poison someone else. Basically, it’s the basis of a lot of negative actions.

I think this is unfair. We’ve used the extreme to define the entire emotion, when an extreme of any emotion is negative. At it’s core, jealousy points to something you want, or something you wish you had. That in itself isn’t negative, it can be a catalyst to work on dealing with that desire, because you more than likely didn’t know it existed.

Say you’ve been trying to decide what to do for a career and you still feel like “I have no talents or interests” and then you find yourself repeatedly feeling envious of people with careers in accounting, you should look into that. Say you find yourself jealous everytime your partner is laughing a lot in conversation with someone else, then you probably feel like they don’t find you funny and it bothers you. Jealousy is an emotion, and like most emotions, there’s a source. It becomes negative when you ignore it or pretend it doesn’t exist. You miss your chance to really confront whatever it has shown you.

We all feel jealous or envious- every one of us- even the people that say “I’m always content and I never care about what anyone else has or may be doing”- be that as it may- we all feel the emotion. If you accept that it’s natural, you will become more attuned to whatever it’s showing you. My jealousy has always shown me my deeper desires and forced me to confront it. Absence of jealousy always shows me what I don’t want- it also shows that I’m secure in that area of my life.

I hope I have convinced and not confused you that jealousy as an emotion isn’t necessarily bad.

How to deal with anxiety


It was only a few years ago that I realised that not everyone lives with anxiety. Not everyone has a crushing unidenitifiable fear of everything/anything that stops them from being able to act. Anxiety for me feels like someone sitting on my chest- it’s the inability to make myself do the simplest things like fill a form because I’m worried about some unidentifiable fear of what the form will lead to. If you are reading this now and realising that you may have anxiety, you’re not alone. Anxiety is one of those things that everyone thinks they have. Everyone feels anxious sometimes, but not everyone has anxiety.

These things won’t cure your anxiety, but one or a combination might help you to feel better, for an hour, a day or longer and honestly, when you’re in the depths of a crushing anxiety attack, any little help goes a long way.

Limit the source of anxiety

Reading every single headline/ report/ think piece/ tweet updating you on the very thing that’s causing you anxiety is not a good idea. Limit what you can. If you don’t use social media for work, consider stepping back- if you do, consider putting filters and mute words in place. You don’t need to see everything.

Develop a routine

When you’re stuck at home, taking a break from routine can sound like the most freeing thing in the world, but a routine establishes some sort of order in your mind and goes a long way in controlling anxiety. It doesn’t have to be a crazy routine- you dont have to wake up at 4am and wear a suit the whole day. It can be as simple as waking up in the same time frame, always making a coffee when you wake up, always eating the same breakfast, always working from the same couch position etc. A routine is anything you repeatedly do- it doesn’t have to be something draconian.


Journal your feelings

Journalling is one of those things that everyone tells you is good for you but you can never seem to bring yourself to do. You don’t need a special notebook, you don’t need to light a candle, it doesn’t have to be in the morning. It can be in the notes app in your phone, you can send a message to yourself on your phone, you can write it on a random piece of paper. the goal is to get the thoughts out of your head and somewhere. Most times, anxiety comes from a place we can’t pinpoint and that can feel overwhelming, but writing it down (most times you don’t even know where it’s from before you write it down) makes you see exactly what it is. You’d be shocked that your anxiety is from something that’s easy to fix and even when it isn’t, it can give you some calm, however temporary.

Pay attention to your diet

For most of my life, I’ve had a hard time sleeping through the night. Being able to sleep better is probably the biggest perk of married for me, because my husband’s presence is calming for me, and my sleep is generally better. Over time, I’ve tried a ridiculous number of diets. The ones that had a biggest impact on my sleep were magnesium supplements, fasting, and any diet that limits carbs/sugar. I say this long thing to say, just pay attention to how your diet affects your moods, your anxiety and things that exacerbate anxiety like lack of sleep.


The only workout that has ever given me endorphins to the extent that it calmed my anxiety is running, so I’m including it in case it’s something you want to try. There are so many workouts to try that may have the same effect- walking, yoga, pilates- try different workouts and see what works for you.


The one thing meditation does is teaches you to be present and to really hear yourself think. It can be hard to get into if it’s not something that you naturally do but over time, it’s worth it. Start as simply as possible, with a five minute app meditation. Try and do it at roughly the same time everyday and overtime, it will become something you can do when you need to.

What are the things that help you with your mental health?

An Incredibly confusing post that hopefully someone else can relate to

My most complimented attribute is how much I put myself out there- it’s inspiring, people are jealous of it, it’s the one thing I hear more than anything else and yet, it’s like the bane of my existence. 

 A friend of mine said a few weeks ago that she would like to work on our friendship. That led me down a rabbit hole of trying to figure out if something was wrong , how it went wrong, my role in it and if there was a way to fix it. That then led me down a different rabbit hole of thinking about my relationships, my self confidence and self belief. 

I have no self-belief. I am more concerned about what other people think than I realise. Those are two separate things that are both true. Those things are connected by my choice of relationships.

From a young age, people/ media/ everything and everyone gives you the cues about the markers for a good romantic relationship but all other relationships are the wild wild west. As I grew older, I was able to fashion my own set of standards for romantic relationships and got better at picking romantic partners. The rest of it was the wild wild west. 

I’ve always been too something- too loud, too talkative, too much of a thinker, too intense, too emotional, too bad- and all of that left me with a very confusing and also negative picture of myself. I constantly sought out people who affirmed those negative things, even though it took me many more years to realise that. That meant that I was myself to only myself. Everyone else around me thought of me as too something and that was my kind of comfort zone. Sometimes I even leaned into those characterisations of myself. 

Most of why I started blogging was having a space to be myself – even if that was over the top, or rambly or boring or just whatever. (There is no reason for this sentence to be in this post)

That’s not to say, I made bad friends- I’ve had a lot of amazing friendships, it wasn’t about people being bad more like bad for me specifically. 

And somehow I suspect that in relationships where I wasn’t getting what I needed, they weren’t either- It’s a two way street in a shitty city.

Okay, I’ve found my train of thought again. Basically, what I’m saying is, in order to build the self belief I need to move forward and in order to have the healthy relationships I so crave, I need to learn to let the shit go- the stuff I don’t know and can’t know. It’s impossible to know everything, every thought process, every variable. It’s impossible to stop people talking about you or hating you. It’s impossible to always know why something didn’t work out and most of the time, it’s a combination of so many things, it’s impossible to pull those things apart.

The thing is if I get stuck on wondering what’s going on in everyone else’s head, I don’t have space to fill my head with affirmations like “you can do it” “you are better than average at some things”- Let me tell you something incredibly sad- I don’t even really feel like a failure because it’s almost like to feel likeI failed, I needed to be hope that I would succeed and I’ve never really had that concrete hope- obviously I’ve said things like “I need to have money” and “I can so do this job”, but I haven’t ever really believed in my ability to determine the course of my life. I haven’t been able to visualise myself as the one that impossibly good things happen to- it’s so much easier to think of a process and focus on that because if you ask me, what do you think you can achieve? What do you think is possible?

 Here’s the truth? I don’t know.

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The Vulnerability Hangover

30 Things I've learnt from 30

illustration by @whatdamidid

The age 30 is sold as this monumental life changing age. When I turned 30, I had been married for a week and unemployed for a year. My amazing friend and my partner threw me the surprise party OF MY DREAMS. Then we went on a midnight boat ride and it was a really perfect way to enter 30. Four months in, I was STILL unemployed (which I still am) and my mum died. I was already feeling rootless and stressed and now I was grieving. The rest of 30 was filled with grief, rejection, close relationships falling apart and me shouting internally “why can’t I catch a break?”. Those are really the perfect conditions for learning lessons and I’m going to share some of them with you. I also discussed something similar in my podcast. Anyway, here we go.

1.    Friendships come and go- it’s okay if it goes, it doesn’t mean it wasn’t worth it.

2.    It's okay to do nothing- you don’t have to always be busy. Taking a break doesn’t always mean slowing down, sometimes it means doing nothing.

3.    It's okay for your plans to change- even if you’ve had those plans for a very long time.

4.    You're never too old to grieve- grief is no respecter of age, pain is till pain.

5.    You're never too old to start again- it doesn’t matter if it looks like everyone else is young- live the one life you hav.

6.    Supplements work- take a multivitamin. You’re 99.2 percent not getting everything you need from your diet. Sometimes you can’t sleep because you’re deficient in magnesium, sometimes you’re tired because you’re low on iron.

7.    It's easier to control yourself than try to control everyone else- when things get hard and someone isn’t listening, focus on what you can do, not what the other person should.

8.    You can regret a workout- don’t workout when you’re sick or injured- don’t workout just because you hate yourself that day or you’re trying to “earn” a meal.

9.    Overdressed or under dressed are concepts that you can define for yourself.

10. You will sometimes dislike your partner- they are not perfect, because they are human.

11. You can find vegetables you like- and they don’t have to be green.

12. Speak up for yourself- even if your voice shakes..

13. but pick your battles- sometimes it’s not worth it, before you start the battle, ask yourself how much you care about the outcome.

14. study yourself- self reflect often- you don’t always have to have a journal to journal, write in your notes app- it doesn’t exist only for celebrity apologies, send a text to yourself, send an email- think about your thoughts and actions and desires often.

15. It's okay to change your mind- about your thoughts, feelings, beliefs- it might seem like everyone is already woke, but it takes time to develop your thoughts and ideas on lots of things and that might mean changing your mind often, it’s okay.

illustration by @whatdamidid

16. Money ebbs and flows- except you’re like the 0.1 wealthiest, then I don’t know how money works for you, but please enjoy!

17. You're allowed to walk away from people- yes, even family.

18. Don't hate follow anyone- if everytime someone posts on social media, it irritates you, unfollow them and protect your mental space

19. Buy the best stuff you can afford- it will make your life so much better

20. People owe you things – and you owe people things- it is impossible to exist without expecting things or owing things.

21. So much of life is random- when it’s hitting you hard in the face, it’s hard not to take it personally, but try.

22. You can’t spend your whole life hating your current body- if you can’t love it, accept it- even if you still plan to change it- accept it today.

23. It’s okay for your hobby to not turn into a business.

24. It’s okay if you don’t enjoy your job but you like other parts of going to work- even if its just the money.

25. Every big decision feels monumental at the time but eventually, it becomes very minor – remember that if you want to end your marriage or quit your job or change your course.

26. You cannot prevent people from hating you or gossiping about you, and no matter how good you are, it will happen, so live your life freely and happily.

27. Ask.

28. Just because you’re open about your life doesn’t make you a fool- there is nothing special about being secretive. 

29. When someone tells you that you hurt them, your first instinct will be to be defensive, pause, ask for some time and think about what they said. It makes a world of difference. Hurting someone doesn’t automatically make you a bad person.

30. Relationships are built on a series of small actions, so send that text, reply to that Instagram post, meet up for coffee or lunch, pay a visit, don’t wait until birthdays or you’ll look back in a few years and have no friends. 

The Vulnerability Hangover

illustration from one of those free for all use websites - changed skin and hair colour.

The other day, I posted details of my vision board party aka the first ever event, whatdamidid as a brand is hosting. I had been talking about having this event for a while, in fact, I had hosted one in my house for some of friends earlier in the year.

One day, my sister pushed me (whether she intended to or not) by announcing it on twitter. I was forced to face my fears and announce it. The thing about fear is it just moulds to new situations, so I announced it, then I had to face the fear that in the end, it would be just me and one other person and I would have to face that fact that my event was a failure. I refreshed my email for payment invoices that weren’t coming and considered announcing that “by the way, I’m not making money from this, I’m just passionate about helping people discover and set goals”- then I realised I was being crazy and didn’t do that. I called my cousin and I talked to my husband and they assured me with their blind unfounded belief that it would all be fine.

I don’t know whether it’s going to be fine. It might flop. It might be the biggest disaster ever. I might lose a ton of money and it might dent my confidence, but the most important thing is, I’m doing it.

I started writing this post actually, to talk about how that act of putting myself out there, made me unable to post. I found myself slipping back into the hole I’ve constantly slipped back to in all the time i’ve had this blog. It is not for a lack of motivation that I don’t write, I have a lot of written and unpublished posts. It is giving in to that crippling anxiety that you have somehow embarrassed yourself by trying. You have shown that you care about something, about many things. You have put yourself out there and haven’t won. You have written and noone has read. You have spoken and no-one has listened. In a way, isn’t that freeing?

If no-one cares, then why not write? why not post? What’s the worst that can happen?

If only one person comes, maybe that’s an opportunity to bond or maybe it just means you failed this one time and there’s no lesson to be learnt. At least you know. At least you can move on mentally and do something else. At least you tried.

I no longer aim for success, because in a way, you can’t control outcomes, all you can control is effort, as long as I can make the effort, I am proud of myself. That has meant i’ve gone from being proud like once or twice a year to being proud almost daily. It hasn’t made me more successful, but it has made me happier, and I think being happy more often, that’s enough, for now.

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