Rihanna has finally released ANTI

And it's not bad. It starts off with that vintage Rihanna sound. But quickly tapers off into her newer pop sound. It is super super laid back. The only sort of party song is her single with Drake, 'Work', so in that way, this is a completely new direction. Even Rated R which was a heartbreak album had 'hard' and 'rude boy'. This is a softer calmer take on love and it's not bad.

Anti will stream exclusively on Tidal for a week and an deluxe version with new songs will be released on Friday. 

Oh So Nutrition Nut Milks

The first time I tried Oh so nutri was at hans and rene. I bought 3 smoothies. I loved the packaging and branding and everything but I ABSOLUTELY hated the smoothies. They were thick and lumpy and some of the ingredients, though interesting, didn't necessarily go together.

I started the whole 30 on the 4th of January. 10 days into it, I was dying for a latte, infact, I was dead. My whole whole 30 (see what I did there?) was about to fall apart because of coffee. Sigh.

I remembered that Oh so nutri sold nut milks that I'd never tried because I'm broke and everything, but I was desperate so I called them. Their minimum order (N3,000) scared me off the first day but then I was like what the hell, I AM desperate and ordered 4 bottles.

It arrived in the cutest box. Things like branding and packaging excite me. The bottles were laid in an ice pack! An ice pack! It's such a basic thing but I've ordered so many juices and smoothies and I've never gotten an ice pack. Heck, I've never sold anything with an ice pack in the box (note to self).

I ordered two cashew milks, one almond and one coconut. I've tried all these milks from packets before and I thought cashew was the most like regular dairy milk. I tried them all and they were so bloody creamy and sweet. When I tried the coconut milk, I thought back to starbucks not coconut milk coconut milk latte-smh. I warmed the milk and put some coffee in. I took a sip and LORD! Just in case I was biased from my 10 days of not eating processed food, I made my friend try it. She was amazed. It tasted like a really creamy, perfectly sweetened cup of coffee. Maybe a little too creamy which is good news because a little can go a long way.

I immediately started factoring the milks into my weekly budget (jokes). If this is what nut milk is supposed to taste like, I never want dairy milk again!

You can order from Oh So Nutrition at http://ohsonutrition.com/. The nut milks are N850.00 for 250ml and delivery is N500.00. 

The 24 Hour Worker- Kitchen Butterfly

Friday, 18th December 

Brymo’s on at Afropolitan vibes and I am dead set on going – I love Brymo. But first, home. It’s a busy weekend. Today there’s the Christmas pageant at the Children’s school, Afropolitan vibes, setting up for the opening of my first photo exhibition and lots of food prep to do – for canapés at the opening and for the 


. Lets just say it’s the beginning of the mother of all hectic weekends and the only thing that’ll save me is my list. 

I'm fanatical about lists and crossing items off them. My lists live In a physical notebook , which I never leave home without. They are my canvas – I move, plot, plan, record, and basically get my life done off my lists.


White chocolate in a pot on the stove top. I'm making some 

minted caramelised white chocolate sauce

 for the festival. Its Dami’s 


. I take photos of the chocolate, as it changes from white to caramel. I do it for myself and for the ‘gram. I love 




I'm done. The sauce is packed in jars. I leave for school because I need to buy water. 



I'm at school. Things are about to begin. I watch my daughter play the violin and I'm happy she’s getting lessons at school. I haven’t managed to organise music lessons since we moved to Lagos so I'm glad that this year, she chose to join ‘BAND’ – a music elective (Outsourcing 101). 


I'm not going to get to Afropolitan vibes. I'm still at school. There will be no singing and dancing to any of my favourite songs by Brymo – Femi, Down, 1 Pound because I hear the traffic is legendary and I have no desire to sit in it. Sigh. Sometimes, you have to know when to squash that desire and quit. 


I'm home. I have a long list of things I want to make for tomorrow so I begin. 

Zobo pepper sauce

. Pawpaw chutney. 

Agbalumo chutney


Bed. I love my sleep even if I think I have a sleep debt that can never be repaid. 

Saturday, 19th December 


I'm up. My first-ever photo exhibition opens today at the Kongi Harvest Gallery in Freedom park. It's called ‘Postcards from Lagos’ and I have 20000 things to do. The children have a school Christmas party. I want to say ‘inconveniently’ but *lips sealed*. Thankfully, it’s close to the house so I’ll manage. I have things to make for the opening and the food festival is tomorrow! 


We arrive at school party, it’s barely begun. I leave the children to go home and finish a few things off. 


I’m done with the last of the prep – making puff puff, and hummus – not to go together though; devilled eggs, zobo, pita crisps. Everything is loaded into the car and we’re on our way, via a friend’s house to pick up her daughter and the Christmas party venue.


We’re at the gallery. I start signing the photos with red permanent marker. It is surreal. I sign the photos with a signature I've had for years – my art signature – which is different from the one I use for my cheques. I'm calm and shaken at the same time. Are these my photos? Mine? Damn. Unreal.

I remember almost every detail and emotion, feeling when I took each photo. I even remember some thoughts. I smile when people ask how I ‘make’ time for all the things I do. There’s no making time, there’s just doing because I've discovered that the art of making time is the mother of procrastination.

So I take up 5 minutes here, 5 minutes there and do things in bits, and bites. Most of the photos in this exhibition were taken with my mobile phone, from the back of a passing car because I hate sitting up front (long story but involves whiplash from multiple collision while not wearing a seatbelt when I was 15 – I always wear my seatbelt. Even when I sit at the back). 

I think you have to perfect the art of being who you are where ever you are, even if that’s in Lagos traffic, and often. 


and I'm rushing to lay out the table. I feel behind. Am behind but I'm trying to stay focused. I wonder if there’ll be a flood of guests, if I’ll sell all the photos today. 


All’s set and we sit, waiting for the first guests. Two photos are bought in the first few minutes – rainy ones of Lagos. I feel like an artist, even if I'm an unintentional one because to be honest, I've been taking photos all my life with no thought to ever seeing them line the walls as art. 

#Thankful. It makes me think of Steve Jobs and the 2005 

Commencement Speech

 he gave at Stanford. In it he says ‘Find what you love and do it’.  

Sunday, 20th December 

I keep saying try very many things, even the seemingly random ones. It’s the only way you’ll know what you like versus not. Though I don’t like how little sleep I give myself, I love the art of doing. 

Nosa & Folly's

 warning to be at the Festival gates by 11am have me on my toes. 


We’re all packed. In the car. 

10. 52am or so. 

We arrive at Park View. We offload the car and begin setting up.


So much for lists – well, not really, we've forgotten the salads at home. Tomi – my right hand has to go get them. I love working with people even though it doesn't always seem like it. I'm learning a lot about delegating with clear instruction and the power of communication. I'm learning because I still mess up many times but like I said, I'm learning.


Our first customer comes as we’re putting final touches to the table. He orders the (amazing if I might say so myself) Smoky Snail Jollof Rice. People ask me how I think up some of my recipes and I shrug. Some I can identify clear paths and the others, God, the universe gifts me.

Sometimes I let my mind wander and play with combinations, many gorgeous things have resulted. I think we have to be courageous when it comes to testing the boundaries. I don’t say fearless though, but we must do it in spite of.

I'm sold out in a few hours and for the first time, am able to leave my stand and check out other vendors. I sample some awesomeness – Shaki Toasties by 


, the most delicious build-your-won-cupcakes by 

honey's cupcakes

 and more. The festival ground is heaving – I don’t think anyone was ready for the turn out. 

I get home, exhausted. There’s work tomorrow and lots of big events this week so no rest. 

Thursday, 24th December 

In the week, I’ve been to see Postcards from Lagos again, done some mad shopping and made decisions, decisions, decisions. It’s the week of my #Big60 event – an annual popup restaurant hosted at the gallery of

A Whitespace Creative Agency

. The theme this year is in conjunction with the British Council, sponsored by 

Style Vitea


 It is the first time I’ll be in a professional kitchen and I'm a bit afraid. 

Everytime I come to a crossroads about making decisions, I reread Steve Shapiro’s ‘

The Art of Decision making

’. He says ‘With the right mindset, any decision is the right decision’. Complicated? No. I want to forget all this as I spend the morning, afternoon, evening prepping for Sunday. I’m frantically working through my lists. My friend Tomi of

 Heels in The Kitchen

 who encouraged me to ‘apply’ to cook at #Big60 has been a rock – I ring her to talk about random stuff like plates and cutlery and teapots. 


We stop to buy berries and last minute stuff for Christmas day and beyond. Then we head to A Whitespace for dinner – not mine, but another Chef’s. 


We've been home for a couple of hours and I've been prepping for Christmas day. We’re having lunch with friends and I want to take a few things, plus I want to have puffpuff chicken balls for breakfast so I make the batter just before I head to bed, and leave it covered in the fridge. 

Friday, 25th December. Christmas day


I'm up. Resting for a few minutes before I throw myself into the day. 


I get an email asking if I can fulfil an order for food to be delivered to a rig offshore on the morning of Boxing Day. Because it’s for people who are away from family at this time, I say yes and proceed to call myself crazy because I’ll be out for most of the day. 


The first batch of Puff puff chicken balls are out and they’re banging. I cant even tell you how delicious they are dipped in zobo pepper sauce. This is mostly what I have for breakfast. 


We settle down to breakfast. Unlike the past, it’s food that has been co created - the children have done so much and it looks stunning. We eat and laugh and give thanks for the year. They can hardly sit still – they want to open presents and see who got what and who still owes what. 


We leave for Sangotedo – it’s the furthest east I've driven in Lagos. I'm petrified – I drive and have driven since I was 16 (and that’s a pretty long time) but I don’t enjoy it much. Half an hour later, we arrive. 

It’s 6pm when we get back home and prepare to go to dinner at another friend’s. 

01.30 am

We’re home. Everyone goes to bed and I'm up making the cakes and stuff that will be picked up at 5 am. I imagine I’ll only need a couple of hours but I'm up till 7am the following morning. 

I've made carrot cake, brownies, peanutty chicken skewers, zobo for pick up. I've also multitasked and made blackberries poached in zobo, rhubarb poached in tea and tangelo zest. I've made the chocolate and salted caramel mousses that will fill my crepe cake. 

The food to be picked up is ready at 4.54am. The driver doesn't make it to mine till 5.30am. I hand him the box with the goodies. Rather than go to bed, I feed my OCD and clean up a little. I'm not a very tidy person but there are certain things I like to do – like tidy up as I go along in the kitchen. 

Saturday, 26th December 

It’s 7.12 am when I head to bed. Exhausted to the bone. 

And 9.36am when I get up. And to an email ‘Received!! About to open’ with a host of smileys and 13.51pm when I get another one full of praises and love and ‘It tastes like she (Ozoz) made all this with love!’. There’s very little that soothes a soul, my soul like this – touching people with my food. 

Chaos central. 

Its 2.30pm and my friend Tomi has come back from the store with chicken for tomorrow’s event. We’re headed out but I want to marinate the chicken. I open the first pack and it’s off. As are all the other packs. I want to cry because of the dual task of returning it (and the resistance I'm sure will follow) and sourcing better produce…on an already busy day. 

It’s 8.04pm when we get home with all the vegetables that need prepping. The checklist comes out and we work non-stop. 

Sunday, 27th December 



6.40 am. 

Wake. It’s the day. #Big60. The day passes in a blur. 


someone comes to pick up a batch of Chicken suya puffpuff balls. I know. I’m crazy. 


Another person picks up 4 sets of canapes and drinks for an event 


We leave for the Big 60 Kitchen. 

I love most of it. I understand why I’ll never work in a restaurant full time. I cannot stand the pressure. I love sharing my food with people. I'm confused. I haven’t fully processed the day so I can’t write much. 

Monday, 28th December 

1.30 am 

we finally get home. Exhausted. Elated. Fulfilled. It’s the perfect day to wrap up a year that has stretched me left right and centre. 

2.30 am. 

I fall asleep xxx 

My Whole 30 Experience

...so far.

It's day 16 of Whole 30.

Let me start from the beginning.

Whole 30

 is a 30 day eating plan that excludes  artificial sugar, processed food, alcohol, grains and legumes for 30 days. You can eat eggs, meat, fruit and veg. At first it sounds bat shit crazy but it's actually one of the healthiest meal plans I've been on in years (2 years) and I'm loving it. The hardest part of Whole 30 is making a concious effort with remembering what you can and can't eat. It's harder than it seems. But once you master that, it becomes pretty easy. At the end of the day, it's only for 30 days.

I haven't had a perfect whole 30 experience. For one thing, I've weighed myself twice (on day 4 and day 11). You're not supposed to weigh yourself or take measurements because one of the biggest points of the Whole 30 is to break unhealthy relationships with food- but hey- 2 out of 15 days is not bad. Also on day 4, I had dinner with the lovely

Kitchen Butterfly

 and drank some zobo which contained sugar. Now, on the rules of the Whole 30, you're supposed to start again if you cheat or make a mistake, but I'm an adult that made a choice and I'll be damned if I start again.

You're also not really supposed to snack and my Lord, I'm a snacker. Eating actual meals is generally really overwhelming for me. I haven't eaten a real meal since day 13. I'm just so bored of everything I'm allowed to eat, so I've been eating nuts and drinking coffee and orange juice (fresh) and  zobo (unsweetened). I don't think snacking is really a habit I even want to break to be honest, but I actually need to learn to eat more food and to eat more food at mealtimes. However, I've massively improved from the first few days when all I did was eat bananas. Bananas and yam (which strangely is allowed).

On the first day of whole 30, my entire focus was on weight loss. I mean, we all tell love stories about health but weight loss always hides underneath those stories and I straight up wanted to lose like 10kg in 1 month, I specifically researched weight loss stories of whole 30. 3 days in, my goals shifted more towards my other goal- giving up sugar forever and it's been on that ever since. It feels really different to be one of 'those people' that cares more about health than aesthetics. Don't get me wrong, I still want to lose 10kg, but I'm okay about not losing it right now.

What else? I'm finding it pretty easy but read what I said earlier. I haven't really deprived myself so I have no reason to feel deprived. I've given up sugar 2 years in a row for lent, so it helps. There was a time in my life where I used to dream of chocolate bars in bed but lent changed that so now I have the ability to stick to whole 30 which I'm pretty sure I didn't have before.

I'm waiting for my skin to glow though, but I'm not sure that will happen in 30 days. When it happened during lent, it was towards the end, but ah well. 


If there's one thing that has frustrated me since I moved back, It's the lack of information. Nigerians are extremely secretive people, they value hoarding information. Maybe that prevents robbers from trailing your car from the airport, but it definitely doesn't help when deciding on a career or finding out a review of something. In general you guys, having a secretive culture isn't useful to us.

I started What Dami Did to be a 'what dami did and how she felt about it incase you want to find out first before trying it' which is why a lot of my posts are reviews. I just like the idea of googling stuff in Nigeria and finding some damn information! Anyway, to break the secretive trend, I'm launching a couple of series.

The 24 Hour Worker

Having a side hustle is a full on Nigerian trait. It seems like everybody wants one or is trying to get one. This series will give you a glimpse into the lives of people that are currently juggling full time jobs and starting a business. This feature won't be about people hating their jobs and putting it minimal effort till they can leave because I have a moral issue with people using their employers in this way. It will be about people who like their jobs (whether or not they plan to do it forever) and are doing (or starting) a side hustle that they may or not pursue full time.

12 hours in the life of...

Have you ever met someone in Nigeria that had a super interesting job and wondered, how the hell did they get here? 12 hours in the life of gives you a glimpse into the life of people that have these jobs. It's nice when you talk to someone that's at the start of their career sometimes. Too many times, I read interviews with people that have 'made it'and even though the interviews are inspirational, there is a disconnect between the beginning and the end. Sometimes, I come away feeling frustrated- 'but how did you start' and 'how did it develooop' and in a country like Nigeria where progression paths are as much a mystery as fried ice-cream, it's even worse. I hope this series provides some answers. It's not going to completely de-mystify stuff because Nigeria is mostly figure it out as you go along, but maybe it will give more people an idea about where to start.

Movement Series

I watched


 channel 4 segment on moving back to Nigeria and it was all land of milk and honey and whatnot and I was like.... Nigeria is whatever you want it to be. It can be a land of milk and honey (if you're into that sort of thing) or it can be a land of pure water. Whatever it is pretty much up to you. I'm speaking to people that decided to move to Nigeria after they had whole adult lives set up abroad. So basically, people that lived and worked abroad before they decided to move here or non-Nigerians who upped and left their countries for here in their adult lives. I think it's good to see the move from the point of view of choice and not just student visa expiring. I'm also going to talk to people that lived and worked here and decided to move back abroad (because they exist too).

There will also be loads of features and interviews that don't fit neatly into these categories. If you're curious about a specific job, let me know and maybe I can find someone that has it! 

Lessons I Learnt in 2015

Hey! This year, instead of making new year resolutions (which would have been the same as always) I made a list of lessons I learnt in 2015. It didn't make me feel as stressed to do that as it usually does to make New Years Resolutions, so maybe that's a lesson. 

This is the kind of person I am- I think of a new idea- it's great , it's the greatest thing in the world- I start it and not enough people buy into it- I go aaaah fuck this, people are stupid - and stop. Meanwhile , it's me that's been stupid and impatient, not other people. I learnt to keep at things even when there's no immediate validation or reward. 

I'm not always right
Oh Lord. The downside from researching and researching and researching and being obsessed with facts and figures and reading everything under the sun is I think I'm right unless I'm provided with irrefutable evidence that I'm not. It's very annoying, I'm very annoying. I still think I'm right a lot of the time, but it's not all the time anymore. 

I complain too much
One day I was in the middle of a rant that something that was unimportant, something that if I hadn't complained about, I'd have gotten over really quickly and I realised that I was obsessed with complaining. Sometimes, I didn't even really feel that bad about things I was complaining about, I was just complaining for complaining sake. I learnt to complain less. I still catch myself complaining uselessly sometimes, but I catch myself and stop. I'm happier. 

I've learnt to be honest and that honesty doesn't always lead to kumbaya- infact, it usually leads to 'omg you're a weirdo' or puts you in some trouble but it establishes early on who you are and sets a solid base for a long term relationship, romantic or otherwise. 

Sometimes, when you have any to do something really brave, a lot of people's first instincts is to tell you, you can't do it- straight up can't. I've come to realise that a lot of the time, it's just a projection of their own fears on you and their acceptance is irrelevant to whether or not you can actually do it, so do it or don't do it but never let it be based on someone else's fear.