Dami Around The Web - 4

Hello! Welcome again to various things I’ve found around the web recently. I’ve recently gotten more organised in curating and collecting my links and since I had them in one place already, it would have been mean not to share.


First Up is Insecure content! Currently airing is the 5th and final season and Issa and the cast have been on a mega press run. There are so many videos and interviews, it was hard to narrow it down to just these two but I think they both do a good job of capturing the essence of her work as the show’s creators and both focus on the show.

PENNY: Issa said in the writers’ room at one point: “When you’re white, racism is a period. Like, ‘This is wrong, this needs to stop, period.’ But when you’re Black, it’s a comma.” It’s like, this racist thing happened to me, but I still have to go pay bills, still have to drive and go home and see my kids. Yes, this thing happened, but how are you going to deal with it?


Vanity Fair

Why DAO?

You may have heard or seen DAO in passing and wondered what the hell it means. This is a solid and clear explanation!

Big Friendship

Everyone that knows me knows how obsessed I am with talking and reading and everything about friendship. This article by two best friends explains how they prioritised fixing their relationship when stuff went sideways. I read it with longing and wished that in certain lost friendships, I had the opportunity to do the same.

Your Job is Not Your Identity

I think this is one that many people struggle with, including me, so, relatable content.

The Life of Muri

Fuad is a gifted writer who has a way of showing the special in the most mundane things. This essay is a great example.

Black women who have raised over $1,000,000 in 2021

Sometimes you just need an inspirational boost! I hope this is it for you.