What Do I Want And Why?


What do I want and why do I want it is a question most of us have to confront at one or more times in our lives. It’s the question that if answered honestly, can help you unmask so many hidden fears that you have. Fear will continue to condition you to limit your desires until you are willing to be honest with them and face up to what you want.

Remember that want is a wish, a dream, a hope- so why be scared to explore it? Why be scared to admit it?

Your “want’ might be 1 million dollars- why not? Remember there’s a second part to this and both require the same level of honesty- what do you want can make you go wild – we can all want things if we ask ourselves long enough- but why? That’s the important part.

When I sat down with a pen and a notebook (okay truthfully, it was an apple pencil and an ipad but it still applies) and wrote down my wants and why, it uncovered so many things I had been unwilling to admit- it also made me able to set goals that actually matched my why. It forced me to see that I had been reaching for smaller goals because I had convinced myself I couldn’t achieve the larger goals. 

Have you ever looked at someone that seemed to have a singular drive to achieve one particular goal and thought “I wish I knew what goal I wanted to pursue, I have so many things in my mind”- I know I have- but guess what? There is a singular goal I want to pursue, It just seemed so unlikely that I refused to acknowledge it and therefore, refused to give it the attention that it needed.

How about an exercise for the day- You, your pen and some paper and two questions- what do I want? And why?