Successful Companies Founded by People that Were Over 40

The other day, Lauryn Hill and Jill Scott did a joint instagram live and I remember someone tweeting “it’s so inspiring that Jill Scott wrote her first song when she was 27, it shows it’s never too late”- what? Do you realise how young 27 is for success? I know especially with all the tech stuff now and founders being like 20, it feels like if you haven’t achieved something great by the time you’re 30, you’ve failed. Listen, that is so not true. I know people always say you can start over at any age and I’m here to discuss powerhouse brands that were founded past..40. Yep, I’ve added 10 years to the “cut off” so you don’t have to stress.

Vera Wang

I had to start with her because the other day, photos of her looking youthful at 70, went viral. Let me just start and say- yes, she had a long career as an editor at vogue before this and only thought of launching this business when she was struggling to find a dress when she was getting married at 40 (see? you don’t have to get married before your thirtieth birthday). The Vera Wang brand has since expanded from luxury wedding dresses to lower end dresses, accessories and even household items like dishes.

Asa Candler

Founded Coca-Cola at age 41. John Pemberton who created the original recipe was 54.

Julia Child

Published her first cookbook at age 50

David Sanders

Started KFC at age 62

Martha Stewart

Published first cookbook at age 41

Christian Dior

launched his fashion brand at 41

John Warnock

Founded Adobe at 42

Henri Nestle

Started Nestle at age 52

Chaleo Yoovidhya

Started Red Bull at age 53

There are so many more examples and even more examples of people that found success in their 30s. I like looking at older founders because they lived lives before they created the iconic successes. They weren’t necessarily just waiting and hoping that they create something that ends up being huge. You need to live! Don’t sign out of living because you’re 28 and haven’t created some huge company. Don’t stop living because you’re 36 or 42 or 51. Don’t stop living because you haven’t worked since you had kids. Do not let the passage of time stop you from living!

Who are your favourite “old” successes?