Shows like Greys Anatomy (just joking, the only similarities are that these shows are also set in a hospital)

New Amsterdam

New Amsterdam Poster

I love this show so much and I think what makes this show so great to watch is the characters. The cast is great and everyone’s personality/ storyline is fully formed. From the first episode, you get a good grasp of who each character is and as the show progresses, those characters change in many ways but they always stay true to the core of their character. There is also way less blood than Grey’s anatomy and the speeches aren’t as speechy. If you try it because of this post, message me and let me know what you think (yes even if you hate it). I’m dying to tell you the characters and plot lines I love most, but I don’t even want to give a single spoiler.

The Good Doctor


An American show copied from an award winning South Korean show of the same name (they bought the rights but still) about an autistic doctor, Shaun, trying to become a surgeon. The first season was very strong, fell off a bit in the second season, but it’s back on form. It’s nice to see how much Shaun develops as a person throughout the show.

The Resident

The resident poster

A show about good doctors in a bad system trying to figure out how to circumvent the system for the benefit of their patients. There’s a Nigerian doctor in the cast and the intern assigned to her back story definitely did a botched job, but it’s fine. The first two seasons are the strongest, so it’s worth watching.

Carol’s Second Act


This is a show about a 50 year old retired teacher who re-trained as a doctor and is now an intern in a hospital. It’s a sitcom but it’s fun to watch even though it isn’t always funny.

I’ve recently started even more medical tv shows if you can believe it, but I haven’t watched enough of any new one to add them to the list. There are also some that were really good but got cancelled after one or two seasons. It’s crazy how many of these I watch. If you have any recommendations, leave them in the comments below!