Movies to watch based on your favourite Black Mirror Episode


So..Black Mirror as a show started out really strong. It was innovative and fresh and so British…and then it…wasn’t. Hate it or love it, overall, there are some episodes that stand out and the world is moving so far in the direction of crazy, that so many things on Black Mirror don’t seem as far fetched as they used to. 

Anyway, I came, I watched and I remembered movies that were just like some episodes.

Arkangel is easy- if you liked that, then its just like the movie "the circle", which got bad reviews, but was truthfully just like an episode of black mirror- very well made movie, great acting, great scenery, and based on a book of the same name which was very easy to read.

if you liked Hang the DJ, which was my favourite episode, then you'll like "the Timer", a movie where people had the ability to buy a clock that counts down to meeting their soulmate. Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind is also a good movie to watch because it speaks to the fallacy of wiping your memory to start again.

If you liked USS Callister, you'll like Tron, where a boy and his dad go into the dangerous game that the father has created to stop it from doing stuff he didn’t intend it to do.

If you liked the memory aspect of Crocodile, you'll probably like the movie Majorie Prime, and if you liked the killing aspect, I'm sure there is no shortage of movies to satisfy your craving. 

Majorie Prime is also one to watch if you want a movie like story 2 in "Black Museum" where the dead live on, but for you more than them.