Nigerian Law School Bar Finals Tips and Hacks

Law school exams are here again and following the massive failure lately, it doesn't hurt to have a few tips on the ready. 

1. Attend every single revision class. A revision class is where it was casually announced that the time of our exam had been cut. 

2. Read the same thing from different sources (by different sources, I mean lecture notes and revision notes, not mami materials) as many times as possible.

3. Take no more than a few minutes to arrange your thoughts, but then write really fast. Three hours speeds by faster than you might think.

4. Leave two lines after you answer every question in case you remember something.

5. Give straight to the point answers. You have no time for faffing around.

6. If you're making good time, give examples, where relevant.

7. When you're unsure of the exact answer, write everything you know about the theme of the question.

8. Where you have a choice, don't answer a question that requires you to draft a process if you're not sure of every single part of that process. 

9. Make sure you go through every single page of the syllabus and know what everything is. Some questions may be on something that wasn't mentioned in class at all, but every question will be from the syllabus. You should know everything, even if it's not in detail, you don't really have time to answer anything in that much detail. However, you answers should be articulate. 

10. Memorize your exam number. 

11. Don't take your watch to the exam. In the middle of my exams, watches were randomly banned and someone I know had her watch stolen. If you don't want to rely on the random clock in the hall, bring a cheap watch.

12. In fact, don't bring anything you don't need.

13. Dress properly.

14. It's better to miss 15 minutes of last minute studying than to be let into the hall 30 minutes late. Be smart about going in on time.

15. Ask lecturers questions at any point before the exam. 

16. Beware of mami materials, except maybe past questions. Ask questions and follow the syllabus.

17. If group revision has never worked for you before, don't try it now.  

18. If everything else I say is irrelevant, USE THE SYLLABUS to study.  

Good luck!